This morning I just didn’t feel like opening my eyes and facing this cruel world again. But then I went against my gut and I got up only to face a series of mishaps.
I had told mom to keep some hot water for me to have a bath with and as usual, like nothing different form any other day, I dropped it all over my legs and now have heat boils all over them.
If that wasn’t bad enough, I had left the iron on to iron out my dress and the rest is predictable-my only purple salwar is now no more. R.I.P.
I had to catch the bus at 8:45 and as usual I was running late. I sacrificed breakfast and ran to catch the bus. I reached there and waited for fifteen minutes until some kind soul on the road told me that I had missed the bus! DRAT!
Normally, around here they say that after 3 misfortunate events, there’s no problem. I was done with 3, right? Wrong! I walked into class happily only to find out that I had walked in on a surprise test in my worst subject and I had to write it!
The next blow was the worst for today. No matter what I do, I’ll always be overshadowed by someone or the other. It’s like no one will ever believe that I did it when the outcome of something done is good. It’s like everyday I have to face the reality that I’m the most inartistic, stupid, uncreative person in the whole wide world.
Now after all this I’m still the optimist, even though I face something or the other every day. I comfort myself saying that there are people who face worse things and also have to face the fact that they can’t do anything about it.
And though I have no artistic skills or any such creativity, I have one thing that not many people have these days- optimism! To get up and smile at the face of adversity…….
I do not bow to fear!!!
i think i shall comment for this article in the same manner as u have written it... :
1. well written
2. racy
3. keeps u hooked till the end
4. the end was excellent
5. i can't find anymore words for this article - awesome..
Sounds very familiar
Bad day Daniel Powter
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