Monday, October 27, 2008

a q that needs no a

Have you ever thought about that sudden shiver that runs down your spine when you sit idle for a while? At a very logical level that might not mean much; at the scientific level it just happens when your muscles suddenly relax; at an emotional level…is there really an answer? And that is now the question? Why is there never a definite answer for something emotional? If you want to break up with somebody…3/4 of the time you hardly have a logical answer. If you want to say ‘I love you’ and you cant , there again you don’t have a logical answer why you cant say it. It’s sometimes so difficult to really know why emotional things don’t have answers to…its just better to accept them and move on rather that question what you can never find an answer to.

Saturday, October 25, 2008


As a child everyone is told that it rains when god cries over some bad thing that you have done. As you grow older it is so beautiful just to sit and watch how tiny drops of water just keep falling from an endless sky. When you look up to see what exactly is making it happen all that is in front of you is a black canvas that has a few grey blotches in it and tiny crystals falling into your face like spears and even though they prick you slightly as they fall against your skin… You can’t help but wonder what a world your part of where sometimes you just don’t have to have a real reason to rationalize why it’s raining. Rain brings to you sights you can never see in any other season-the elation in the eyes of a farmer who knows that profit stands at his door-step this time; the cold faces of your grandparents as they crib about it being too cold; the bubbly sounds of the children who wade through dirty water with little paper boats in their hands; the cars that look like they are flying in thin air; the sound of slow trance music, cuddly blankets and a cup of steaming hot coffee… and then you realize that your no more a child who needs to worry what he’s done wrong…instead you can sit there and enjoy the cool breeze that transports you to a world unknown where these tiny crystals are just felt and not really understood.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

a world of its own!

Come to think of it, college isn’t so bad a place…after all, it taught me all there is to life in the most difficult of ways…which is probably the reason I learnt that you can make a mistake once….because making a mistake once is not a mistake…but repeat that and it becomes a fault! So they say…your college years are the best years of your life and though mine haven’t been that easy on me…it wasn’t that bad! The way I see it…nothing good in life comes easy and this was just one more threshold in my life which I’m going to cross in 4 months. Who knows where life will lead me in the future but let me say this… life would have been so different without MCC. I would still think that the world was filled with only nice people. I would always trust fast and still be wearing my heart on my sleeve. But now… even though I’m still confused over a lot of things and even though it takes a while for the bulb inside my head to burn….it still manages to burn at the right time and I manage to keep myself out of trouble.
MCC gave me more than I expected: an awesome ragging, a few good friends, a bunch of good memories, a lot of action, tonnes of melodrama, a million fights and misunderstandings and THE CLASS OF 2006-2009…where at the beginning it was just a room filled with people from all walks of life and now…its nothing less than a family. A family where there are fights but the solutions are found from within! A family where everything is shared and an actual effort is made to understand the person sitting opposite you!
So here’s to Malabar Christian College: a home outside home in all senses.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

the tale of a witness

Sitting under the blue sky
Smiling at the sun
Today I wondered-
Who made them all?
Why are the trees green?
Or the sky blue?
Or the sun yellow?
Not an answer came to my head
But I still sat wondering
Knowing fully well that no answer would come
I sat thinking…thinking away about a world…
A world that could never be explained
Just witnessed, just felt.

a walk down to earth

Every other person
Who walks down to the Earth
Wonders about just small things
Will I ever be a part of all this?
Will I be one with it?

Every other person
Who lives upon the Earth
Wonders about just small things
Am I a part of all this?
Will I ever be known?

Every other person
Who leaves the earth below
Wonders about just small things
Was I ever a part of all that?
Will I ever be remembered?

Thursday, October 2, 2008

time will tell

So today I was sitting around and thinking about what a girl is supposed to say to a boy when he tells her that he likes her! It’s such a confusing thought! I mean….c’mon what exactly are we supposed to say….both ways it’s only going to be difficult for us……if we say ‘yes’ then its “Don’t do this! Don’t wear that!” and then if we say ‘no’ then all his friends gang up around you and do the sob story-thing that “he’s such a nice guy!” Yawn! What exactly is expected of a woman at this situation?
As I sat contemplating things in my over crowded head, I get a call that is least expected but comes at quite the time to solve my problem. Well you can’t exactly say that that’s the right way to go about it….but at least its something. Anyways, we talked about how crushes never stay too long and how it sometimes it makes such a mark that can’t be erased and how sometimes it’s like it was never there at all in the first place.
We argued it this way and that…..but to no avail until finally…..and this time the answer didn’t strike me….it struck him- only time will tell! Yes! That was it! Only time would be able to tell if anything will last longer than it is expected to be! So to all the girls who waste time crying over those stupid boyfriends who dumped you…….cheer up!
They aint worth your time!
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