Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Two Halves

Its been a while since I have written. I'm still not sure why I stopped writing as such. But, I'm glad that phase is over. How else am I supposed to vent? :P
Well, a lot has happened since I last wrote here. Though my last post was on the 2nd of July, I think I really wrote something worthwhile on the 2nd of January 2012.
It is 2013 now. I am in a different country. I am a different person. I believe in different things. I have different experiences. I react differently to different things. As you might have already guessed- 'Different' was the operative word for 2012. A month by month breakdown would have been funnier but Im lazy so I'll just sum up the year. Yes- ok- maybe it will take more time for the writing thing to come back to full force. For now...this shall do.
You know how people say- Its in adversity that you know who your'e true friends are. That statement is true. Last year, I lost friends. Last year, I made new friends. Last year, I strengthened ties with old friends. Last year, I mend bridges with people. Last year, I severed bridges to the point of no return. Last year, I fell in love. Last year, I fell out of love. Last year, I cried. I laughed. I giggled. I was angry. I was excited. I was surprised. I ate. I slept. I saved. I travelled. I shopped. I spent. I went clubbing. I celebrated my birthday in all four states in South India. I wore a dress, high heels and make up. I did things that I never thought I could. I did things that I'm glad I did. I also did silly things ... but that's for another post.
So to sum up- Growth, Maturity, Love, Travel and Transition. a whirlwind. 2012.
2012 can be split into two halves though. Before August and after. Here's what happened after. I gave up my job. I took up a new one in a country that has changed the way I look at everything. A country- like my friend Sherin rightly put it is- "an absolute torture to your social situation". No going out. No taking long walks. No nothing. It makes you grateful for what you had. It makes you realize who you want in your life. It makes you thankful for the people who are in your life. This country that is not my own has given me friends- friends who I learn from everyday. Lessons on life. Lessons on parenting. Lessons on being strong and standing up for what you believe is right. Lessons on when to shut up and when to talk. Lessons on saying NO. Lessons on faith. on trust. on hope.

2013 has just begun. I have no idea where I will be or what I will be doing but I'm excited as I always am. Its something new to look forward to. And like always thanks are due again. I will never tire of doing this. It is necessary to let the people you love know that you love them.

Mom and Dad: Thank you. For standing up and saying that I'm old enough to make my own decisions. for being the best parents in the world.

Mrit: for trusting my decisions and supporting them as always. My better half.

Varma: for surprising me every day. for letting me go even though you thought I shouldn't go. For fighting with me for me. :*

Aarthi: you could be anywhere in the world and I know that your'e always wishing the best for me as I am for you.

Ona: For being my strength through the toughest year. for lending me your ears at all times. For understanding things that only you could. For believing in me. Unconditionally.

Ashmita: for being my Jiminy Cricket. It sums it all.

Meenamma: because I know for sure that I will always be your daughter too.

KIA: because no one else thinks as highly of me as you do. For always being there.

Ali: for being there for me. For always having my back.

Nishath: for keeping an eye on my parents for me. For always making the effort to stay in touch. Another year dude! :)

Faffa: for always checking up on me and telling me that I'm strong enough to handle anything that comes my way.

Babu: for languages. for laughter. for fun.

Vivek: for all the love.

Raouf: For always being a phone call away. I never did say thank you for October! :)

PT: because we can talk about anything and be sure that we will never judge each other. for comfort.

Pratheesh ettan & Riji chechi: for being my family away from home.

Meera: for telling me that life is not always bad. Believe in the good moments.

Abi chechi & Nasir ikka: for giving me a space in their life that I cherish.

Nazneen jiji & Suhail bhai: for still not being able to decide whose sister I am. :P

Asma begum: for khana. for chit-chat.

Majumdar,Thomas, Aravind, D, Nambiar, Jitha- Thank you. for everything.

Hiba, Dania, Minna, Mrudul, Anirudh and my darling Mani kutty- I live my childhood through you kids.

and everybody else who made 2012 wonderful for me. Thank you.
If you think I have forgotten you- I havent.

B: for love. for faith. for courage. for a blue room. for memories cherished for a lifetime. for 2012. For being in my life. <3

So, 2013 dawns well for now. I stop here hoping that next year, I'll have a lot more to tell you about the new place where I am or the new people I have met.
After all- What is life if your'e not seeing anything new!

Bring it on 2013!


nishath said...

always there for you no matter what!

atkum said...

@nishath: Much love your way!

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