Friday, September 23, 2011

What a Good Bath does:

I just realized that that last time I put up a meaningful post was…a long time ago and just as I was writing that sentence I was thinking of what the word meaningful meant. What does it mean? Does it have to mean something to you or does it have to mean something to the people who spend time reading what you have written? I’m in doubt again.
But that’s for another post…
What I really felt like writing today was how I have started looking at the world differently. I have finally decided that I’m not going to be pushed to do anything that I don’t want to do. I’m not getting married to someone I don’t know. I’m not going to be registered on some stupid Matrimonial site. And I’m definitely not going to work in a place where I feel uncomfortable walking through the corridors.
I always thought my life would be easy- I would travel the world and meet new people and study new things and develop new passions. Turns out…I was wrong! My life revolves around a 10-6 job which sometimes goes from 9am-10pm. After what seems to be a never ending day, I come back to insipid food and endless WI-Fi connection. I know…the positives of WI-Fi- but you have to be awake to use it. And I’m generally not! Don’t get me started on the what the routine is on the weekend…then again it would be pretty easy to talk about- finishing pending work for next week, washing clothes that have been left out and finally washing off the grime of an entire week with a long bath.
It is just after a bath that all the nice thoughts about what I want from life come. And this is one of those moments. Me being me…it is obvious to anyone who knows me that I would have drawn up a list and you are absolutely right! So this is my list of the top twenty things- my list of things that I want to get done before I lose my streak of madness which I hope I never do…this is my bucket list.
1.Buy myself a Fastrack watch.
2.Go on an Elephant ride.
3.Explore all the temple architecture in Tamil Nadu.
4.Take Mom to the Golden Temple in Amritsar
5.Work for a fashion magazine
6.Buy a pair of Jimmy Choo Pumps
7.Learn to walk in Pumps. :)
8.Smoke a joint and get a Blowback.
9.Go Scuba-Diving
10.Stand atop the Eiffel Tower
11.Finish reading The Lord of the Rings
12.Try reading the newspaper every day.
13.Go for a rock concert.
14.Go on a road trip with my girls, stop at all the places that were not on the plan, make sure the car breaks down and then hitchhike a ride with hippies.
15.Get my own place. (Own a place with a loft like the one Vipurva Parikh owns.):P
16.Streak my hair blue/red.
17.Attend the Oscars (too farfetched but a girl can dream!)
18.Rob a Store (just for the fun of it! I’ve always wondered how it would feel to make a run for it.)
19.Own an Audi A7.
20.Make sure that I get at least five things on this list done. :)

There’s so much more to do and even more to write about but the continuation of the list is for another post.

Till then… I have a lesson plan to finish.


nishath said...

from cribbing to hope to positivism. may all ur dreams come true. happy read.

atkum said...

thank you NN! :)

Ajith Nambiar said...
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Ajith Nambiar said...

The heart is the place where we live our passions.. It is frail and easily
broken,but wonderfully resilient.... ' May the bucket of list come true and your tender look become a habit'..... This list is not built upon sand... Go ahead with the remaining list dear M.

Silvertongue said...

What's a blowback? And personally, I would think you would have crazier ambitions. Buy a fastrack and Jimmy Choo's, really? Why not (at least)a Tag and Marc Jacobs (MJ, see what I did there? :P)

atkum said...

@Babu: have you seen Adi do something where he inverts his cigarette and puts the lit end inside his mouth? thats what i want to learn to do and get one too.

as for Jimmy Choo's- dude... a pair is worth 37 grand! :P and the fastrack one is just something that i made a promise that i would buy with my salary.

besides- this is only the first half of the continues! :)

Silvertongue said...

No, I've never seen (or heard of) that, but I do have a question, regardless.
Why in the name of earth, heaven and hell, would you want to do that to yourself?

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