Wednesday, September 17, 2008

a month of moments!

It’s like every time I think of something I have to write it down…like I’m so scared that I’m actually going to forget all about it when I just know I won’t. Anyways the point is that this month has been a month filled with conquests, challenges, evolution, realizations, confessions, improvements, maturity, confusions and a complete new string of mixed up thoughts!!! So the best way to organize your thoughts is to write about them. So:
I won the certificate for the best all rounder!
I organized something to the best I could.
My mind can think in many angles now.
I am not number one now but I will be.
It makes a difference to me when people say they don’t like me.
I took a small step to being a better friend.
Still getting there!!!
Well……there’s always one!!!

But at the end of all this I also realized that through all this I almost stepped across the little border line between the goodness of humanity and the ugly side of it. From where I stand now……it’s good that I somehow managed to pull back and stand on humanity’s side!
After all, you never know what more life has in store for you! A few moments is all it takes to make you from what you are to what you see yourself to be!


Parnika said...

I like the way u've summarized the highlights of the month..makes it very readable and even tho we dont really get what u're talking bout it all makes sense

nishath said...

well here are my revelations for u on ur write up for a month of moments...

a nice write up

knowing both ur sides

ur will to write

everyone is talented

u can make people think - hard... ;)

the language is much more simpler

Still getting there!!! ;) couldn't put it more simpler than that *thank u mukz*

are u the best? never think of it... coz i know... coz u know... u r the best...

should i need more words?
i guess not

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