Sunday, December 14, 2008

the sinister smirk...

no... i am not a small hacker... nor am i a virus... boo haw haw haw!!! but i am inside!! at last !! at last!! look who's laughing now?? hehehehehehe!!!

sometimes one needs to dwell into unknown territory...

like uncle joe's farm where you climb over the fence and into the corn fields and make way for the lone tree standing in the middle and carve out your initials along with that of those you cannot part from...

here i am...

ma initials stay...

when you say nothing at all

its really funny when you want to say something and someone else has already said it for you.

wait...its actually a relief! atleast i dont have to be the one who is comepletely brutal with reality all the time!

thanks to the one who said it all...

Thursday, December 11, 2008

the thought of being unlucky always!

I’m tired of exams and am wondering when I will be let lose when all of sudden some stupid astrologer tells my family that I have got to slog my way through if I have to maintain number one position. God where the hell does this end? Oops! I just used God and Hell in the same sentence.
It sure looks like I’m going to rot in the fiery pits of red blood stained ‘Hell’!! Maybe that’s why exams are getting more difficult and I’m getting unluckier by the day!

I’m beginning to wonder if there’s going to be any more luck at all. Life is so hectic! And I haven’t even started working!!! Wait till that comes along!


Monday, December 8, 2008

first or last?

a question totally sent my head whirling today. a question i had'nt heard for 4 years now! a question i had once waited to hear! "may i have a dance with you?" that question had once sent shivers down my spine and now all it did was put my mind in such a dilemma...i actually didnt know what to say this time... i mean getting me to shut up and not say anything is like an achievement!
what i was actually thinking was this " which one is more important? getting the first dance or being the one for whom the last dance is reserved?"
i know...has anyone ever thought about it?
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