a question totally sent my head whirling today. a question i had'nt heard for 4 years now! a question i had once waited to hear! "may i have a dance with you?" that question had once sent shivers down my spine and now all it did was put my mind in such a dilemma...i actually didnt know what to say this time... i mean getting me to shut up and not say anything is like an achievement!
what i was actually thinking was this " which one is more important? getting the first dance or being the one for whom the last dance is reserved?"
i know...has anyone ever thought about it?
a paradox...
to dance on one hand is difficult...
but to save for the first and last is even more difficult... sometimes in the flow of it all u seem to tend to drift off... till the question u asked at earlier doesn't even seems to bother you any more... but i guess the last stays fresh... the last stays longer
so save the last dance...
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