Its weird now...when your sitting in a class full of people who you have known for the past three years and your as alone as you were when you first set foot into this college.
Thats how alone you feel when realisation strikes you that there is no one you call your own but yourself. At the end of the day... only you will be there for yourself!
As for the people who thought were your friends... its time to think again and ask yourself if it was all worth it or are they just people you do nothing but compromise your identity for?
At this time, the only thing that floats through my head is what a friend once told me- " There is no such thing as real love in this world. Its all either for some selfish reason or just because we cannot live alone."
I agree now!
i've felt the same...
but i had one friend always...
and i realize that...
and i still can't believe that u wrote this...
sometimes thinking abt urself can make u realise a lot of stuff...
i thot abt myself and i know that i am not me if not for some people...
i am what i am because of my friends and with time i learnt that its not the number of friends you have that make you who you are!
and yes i was talking about those people who change what you really are to suit their convenience.
its not like i dont believe in it completely but there is a part of me that i lost when i joined this college but somewhere down the line im still me and i have someone to thank for it.............................
thanks for keeping me sane! lots of love!
love ya. have. will. always.
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