this was by far the weirdest day ever! it was a day when i was happy and sad together... confused and finally settled on something at the same time... inferior and the centre of attraction... and all this at the same time! for the first time in a long time today i felt beautiful. today i was on top of the world and down in the dumps at the same time and thats what made this one stand out so much from the other bothersome days that i have gone through.
today friends became friends again. today life took a new turn. today lessons were learnt. today was an energy booster.
today was plain WORTH-WHILE!
never would i have imagined this day to be so... hope u got a wish for a wish... and a time for a time...
it was really one heck of a program...
kudos to u all...
especially u for running it so smoothly...
u rock!
and congrats on the prizes too... ;)
thanks nish! im glad u were around for all the moral support and ya...for the shoulder to lean on!
and kudos to u too for the first place for the newspaper.
i hate u for coming first...although like u say second is not that bad...!! :)
hmm...well about KAIZORA...this was a wonderful day....but i honestly feel among all the hungama no one noticed so mnany people who saved the day...for instance bringing the chief guest or arranging the piano for her to play or even d place of gettin d T shirts....n readin d vote of thanks the last minute....the list can go on u know....still all got unnoticed ....n e way twas a gr8 success and thats what matters oh yea n dun 4grt sacrificing biriyani...
u noe wat... things never go unnoticed...although some might go unacknowledged! but thats just the way it is! like for instance no one remembered to thank the gals who did the table early in the morning... or the people who worked really hard to put up a gud dance or song!!
so heres to all those people at the back who go unacknowledged...this is for you'll!
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