Friday, November 14, 2008

forgive & forget

Sometimes people would give anything just to be forgiven. It’s amazing to what lengths they can actually go. And it gets even weirder to watch when there is a case of ‘forgive and forget” involved. It felt pointless today when I sat listening to people talk about how they could forgive people but could never forget what they had done to them. Someone please explain to me how you can forgive but never forget the pain that the doing caused you. Or is it just another farce that people put up to be considered and put into the “nice people category”? Why is it that people still have masks on them? What makes them so scared to be out in public as themselves and not as some Shakespearean character (minus a little makeup)? Its time we realized that we have to live life on our basis and for ourselves and not for someone else. And as for the ‘forgive and forget part’…move on! There is no time in today’s world to catch a breath let alone keep some grudge against someone!


Meera Vijayann said...

Its impossible to forget because its only human not to forget something that has changed you in some way. be it good or bad, don't you think so?:)

Mrit said...

i completely agree....but its also human to forgive people who make those mistakes coz some wise person said that mistakes are something that prove to the world how 'human' we are. dont you think you?

nishath said...

scars remind u - as one of ma close friends put it... memories refresh... the difference of the physical and mental is evident... but there are places where it is in question...

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