Monday, January 2, 2012

So yes- it’s the first working day of the New Year and strangely I was stuck with no work! Me- stuck with no work does not come regularly and the people who have stood by me through the latter half of the year will agree undoubtedly.

Anyways- without digressing further- I was sitting there in that dingy room as usual- with the cupboard that felt like it was going to fall any minute and the fan that rotated creakily, staring out of the window, listening to the silly goat that has been bleating for the past one week blare with all its heart while the cold breeze blows wisps of hair into my eyes. As all this is happening, I think back of the year that was. A year filled with transition, transformation, travel, revelations, birth, death and trouble.

After 2 long years at CIEFL Hyderabad, it was time to move. I didn’t want to. But I did. And very reluctantly too. I came to Bangalore. For my first real job. I loved it. But as much as Hyderabad was home, Bangalore didn’t even come close. I hated it here. The feeling hasn’t changed much except now- I’ve resigned to my fate for a while. So yes- that was Transition!

Over the past 2 years, I have come to appreciate second chances more for the simple reason that when it was necessary, I was given one. And it worked wonders for me. From being the silly girl that was pushed around and taken for granted- and it wouldn’t be wrong to say this- I metamorphosized into a strong independent woman who stood her ground and worked hard for a living. I became what my mother would call- ‘Responsible’.

Now travel is interesting! I made it to India’s two most talked about cities- Delhi and Mumbai. Yes- the capital city and the city that never sleeps. Driving on the streets of Delhi, I was in awe of how well kept the capital was. And to top it all- the metro that made me think that it was ok if I never got to ride the Subway in NY! As for Mumbai- what do I say? The sounds, the streets, the smells, the busy trains, the double-decker bus, the jetty ride at the Gateway of India, homemade pani-puris- an Adventure of sorts.

A loved one lost. True friends realized. A New child welcomed and an accident my family will not forget finished the year for me.

Thank you’s are essential at the end of the year-

Ma and Dada- for being the two most understanding and trusting parents.

Mrit- because without you, I wouldn’t be me

Sujeet- for letting me be me and for always being you.for being my strength and my weakness at the same time.

Ali- for being there for me unconditionally.

Varma- for putting up with all my crap and for being my strength during transition and other wise.

Aarthi- Though far, you will always be close to my heart.

Ona and Granny- for being my left and right hand.

Nishath- because we have got through one more year of being there for each other.

D- for giving me strength, for being brash when it was necessary and for telling me I’m capable of better things.

Mel- for giving me a family in Bangalore and listening to me whine without any complaints.

Polo- for finding time to listen to me rant.

Sajeed- for being there. for long walks. for being the person that I can call at any time of the night and being my 2am friend! :)

Vivek- For being an important reason for me to come to Calicut.

Faffa and Mushu- for being sensible for me!

Nambiar- For really listening to me. and for sharing things with me that you would not have with anyone else.

Bas-sam- for being my comfort! for the rides. for the chats. for pani-puri. for making my belief firm- all arabs are not asses! <3

Mathew George and Nakul B.M- for making Bangalore feel a little like home and a lot like George's.

Gautami- for being my mirror-image! :*

KIA- for loving me the way you do!

But more than anything- the most important thing this year happened 3 hours before it ended- I met him. I finally did. I realized how much I had missed him and after all these years, it felt just the same to hug him. Thank you Abel Abraham Koshy for being my friend. I know that it hasn’t been easy and we do have a lot of catching up to do – but I hope we do it! Let’s make time and get this right. I have missed having you in my life. I’m glad that a little part of you still is. And I guarantee you will always be.

To us I dedicate-

This year, I’m jittery. I know it’s going to be another year full of transitions and travel. Maybe there might be a change of scene. Maybe there might new friends. Maybe there might be fun and frolic. Maybe there might be sadness and sorrow. But one thing is for sure- I’m ready. Embracing 2012- I say- Surprise me!


nishath said...

you make it sound like as if we are just passing through every year, being each other's friend. chill madi, even if the worlds comes to a standstill in 2012, you know somebody will be out there looking for you. yeah, its me! ;)

plus, i have to say, your writing has drastically improved, there is more lucidity and much more flow than ever. i loved each bit, until the end. hope you write more, travel more and transition a little less :P over the coming year! here's to a wonderful 2012! cheers lady, take care and always keep smiling!

Blistering Barnacles said...

Egad - that sure was a long list of dedications! Here's wishing you happiness in the new year! :)

Paulami said...


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