Someone wise once said on a random google search page that "Home is the place where it feels right to walk around without shoes” and it is true.
this is the first time in years where i have wished to go home. and now i am. to hug my dada. to rest my head in my mom's lap. to play ball with my brother. to gossip with my aunts. to babysit my cousins. to witness the birth of a new baby. a new relationship. Home is where my heart is.
this sudden urge to go home is not owing to the fact that i am sick and would be better of at home. this post is because i realize that i am no one without the people back home. this post is to thank the two people who brought me into this world. this post if for my parents.
this post is dedicated to all those kids who suddenly find themselves alone- look behind you. your family is just a call away.
this post is to all the parents of the world but especially to mine- for making the person i am. i am strong because of you. i am brave because of you. i am me because of you. and i only hope and pray that i am and become half the individual that you want me to be because you two are two of the most beautiful individuals on this earth together and apart.
you make me proud.
p.s. Ma, We 4 are the World! (M3JK):)
rula diya na :_)
true to the core!
i dedicate this to every ma and pa!
Oh, yes. Gives off that warm feeling we all want, but never really manage. Yes.
home is after all where the heart is :P but be back soon. you have one with me too :P
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