Wednesday, June 23, 2010

i really wish i was someone's priority. but then i console myself saying that i love the freedom i have now. god knows what will happen over the next few years.

maybe im just worried...i grow old by the day. i see friends getting married, getting into long-term relationships, friends in relationships getting to better heights and then i ask myself...why not me? where is life taking me? what does it have in store for me?
and the answer is so simple and one that im now used to accepting -
at a big question mark!

but thats ok. it not like i have a problem with it. im optimistic enough and will not stop dreaming. in a recent status message one of friends wrote- i love happy endings! i agree! i love them too. and i wait for mine...


nishath said...

sooner or later there will be an end... but it to be a happy one, one needs to focus on the path u tread towards it!

Bitter God said...

well just had a talk to shafeekka on these lines.... forget about being prioriteis for anyone else, coz eventually it is a stupid selfish world... and about the good and happy things in life, they just pop up along the way... its like happening to smell a flower while walking down a road... you smelt it just by chance coz you were breathing anyway... and whether you smelt it or not, you woulda kept breathing no matter what... life is all just about breathing... in and out!!

atkum said...

ill just have to agree with you achu! strangely for probably one of the few times...i actually get what you're saying! :)
thank you. *hug*

asmita said...

I agree with Mukta there... but then I knew Achu would one day write sense :P
But I loved the way you have written, whatever you have written.
Sorry Mukta, this time the limelight HAS to go to Achu :D

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